Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Back to "Real" Life

Over the last 3 weeks I was on holiday, far, far away from the place called internet. "What there are still places where it is hard to go on the net?" Yep, believe me there are... I went back to Swaziland and South Africa. It is hard to describe how it was, since there were a lot of happy, sad, funny, depressing, good, fantastic, beautiful and extreme moments. In fact, the word describing the stay down south best is probably extreme. Extreme in all sorts of ways. Especially the coming back part to London. Swaziland-London – what a contrast!
Even though I was looking forward to go back to uni, this term seems to be a bit of a killer. Due to my laziness or business (that sounds way better), I have to sort out uni before I will write more extensively about the trip and the holidays. Lots and lots of photos will follow to give you an impression and make you a little jealous... hehe!

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