Sunday, 16 November 2008

do touch

Are you feeling it? I am telling you I fucking felt it! Especially the last few days with hardly any sleep... However, there is a sense of pride when I was looking at what I had produced. Sorry for the bad quality of the images, but I took the images in the morning of the deadline, a few minutes before I handed the damn thing in. I wish
I could show you the thin for real, since it is about 10 times better, but we only get the work back in June, so for now, you'll have to stick with these images...
The first part of the images shows the box of the visual and written element (combined into one) and the black box with the envelopes inside contain the reading copy, the appendix and a couple of other bits and pieces as well as a self-evaluation of the project called "modes of design". The roles of paper have the corresponding part printed on them. You only get to see the title. Wish I could show
you more...


Anonymous said...

oh wow, linkie! it feels really touchy! in fact it looks great!! and i feel like putting my hands on it! hehe

now, would u tell me a bit more abut that printed tissue? it really got me curious but i can't really tell what it is/means!

well done!

set·yourself·on·fire said...

Thanks! Glad you like it! about the tissue: yep, I also printed on that one. It reads a quote on different categories of handshakes, and is titled "shakes of the hands", hence, the title. It is very old (18th century) and really funny to read. Will post it one of these days!

Anonymous said...

daaaamn boiiiii! it's fucking beautiful and i mean it! seriously man, looks very sweet – lots of nice detail stuff, love the concept in general and the wax in particular.

and nothing like the old laser cutter, eh ;D

set·yourself·on·fire said...

thanks for the props! Even though it looks nice, NEVER use sealing wax! the fumes make the whole house smell, gave me a hectic headache and too me hours to apply... but well worth it in the end, so I guess i will use it again. For good work, one has to suffer!!!

hehe, yeah, laser cutter to the max!