Sunday 28 October 2007

Skate-Park-Punk-Kids and the School Party

All of yesterday I was successfully procrastinating for most of the day, after having not slept much the night before due to a typography project. By 3pm I felt the couch-potatoness paralyzing almost my entire body, and therefore I thought it might be a good idea to do something about it. I called up Baptiste (friend from my course) forced him to go visit a gallery. Being as we are – unorganized students – we just wanted to see a gallery and didn't really care what kind. The coice was quickly made (yep, we choose the closest) and started walking. After a few minutes I asked him: "Do you actually know where this gallery is?" "No, I thought you do!", he answered. We decided it might be better to ask someone for the way, and weren't really surprised to find out that we had to go back the way we came. A coffee and some food later we finally found the gallery we were looking for. Finally we would do something useful for the day! Madly excited we went in, and about 3 minutes later went out again. The exhibition consisted of one room with an animation showing about Pamela Anderson's honeymoon (the latest one). We just thought: "...yeah – right ..." As madly excited as we arrived, as madly disappointed we left again... On the way back along the river we came past the local hang out of London's skaters. Having a lot of time to kill before we could go to the party that night, we made ourselves 10 years younger and were really hardcore when taking pictures of the raddest skate performances I have ever seen!

After pretending for long enough to be skate-park-rats, we started off the night by having a few beers on our roof terrace and having a deep and meaningful discussion on design and life. Yeah. Anyway, the main event was the Primary School Party organised by a fellow student, "G". Why school party? Well, because G actually lives in an old Primary School Building! It is a crazy place to live, but perfect for a party! He has a room that is bigger than my entire flat and that's just his living room... Insane! Anyway, we did what is usually done at parties of grand scale, had a great time, and getting an hour extra sleep today was definitely necessary! Can't wait for the next party in this wicked place!

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