Thursday 28 February 2008

HUGO BOSS ... "Oh crap!"

Well, yeah... Blogging is important. At least when you have a blog, which is read by friends and family, and your intention is that they keep reading it. However, sleep is important also. At least it is for me. And eating. And uni-work. And going to the loo. So blogging isn't that important after all. So, I have been doing a lot of work for uni, and just about sufficient sleeping and eating. Going to the loo was sometimes a close one, but no accidents yet, I always made it! I have been working on a presentation for a competition held by HUGO BOSS, and by last week Tuesday, Christine and I (we teamed up for this competition, Christine is from Cologne) were actually really fed up with it, since David (designer from HB) didn't really like our idea we presented about 3 weeks ago. So we made a few changes that night and handed in a pretty lousy and in our eyes weak second idea. We thought we had to present it, but when we arrived at the presentation venue on Wednesday, we found out we just had to hand it in. That came a little unexpected since we hadn't really completed the presentation, but could have explained the concept quite easily. "Oh crap!" we thought. The tutor we were handing it in to, suggested to hand in an additional text file explaining our concept. "Ok, no prob!" – "But you have to do it within the next 5 minutes, cause I have to be out of here by 4pm!" – "Oh crap!" So we wrote an even lousier explanation to support our presentation, and were happy to walk out of that room at 4pm not ever having to think about the whole thing again! No HUGO BOSS, no straight lines, no boring designs, no more German thinking. ... how wrong we were! On Friday I went to Max's place and we actually planned to have another photography session. Due to some procrastination of the upmost level, we managed to not have to do that (we just couldn't be assed actually), not having to cook (we went to 'Ultimate Burger', very nice crappy food) and we didn't have to worry what we would have to do for the rest of the night, since we had the whole first season of 'West Wing' (watch out, extremely addictive!!!) still a 'virgin' for the both of us. At about 11 pm Christine called me and told me to check blackboard (the communication platform of my college online). "Why" – "Just do it!" So I did, and couldn't believe my eyes! We actually got shortlisted (for my German fellows: shortlist = engere Auswahl) and had to give a final client presentation on Wednesday. After a couple of undecipherable screams and shouts of utter joy it dawned on us – we actually had to continue on the very boring project! An not only that, we actually had to do the whole thing properly this time! "Oh crap!" We met up on Sunday and worked our asses off. I went to bed at 5 am that night, getting 3 hours sleep. We gave everything to print on Monday, and thought: "Ok, all done. Just slam some visual together for the screen presentation and we are done." ... how wrong we were! On Tuesday morning we were told we got an email saying: "David liked your first idea you handed in, but you have to make the presentation a bit more slick and neat." – "Oh holy-shit-buggered-asshole-CRAP!" We actually had been developing the wrong idea! We tried to get hold of the responsible tutor for the competition, and wanted to confront him, why the hell he didn't tell us that on Friday?! But as it turned out, we actually were on the right track, and didn't have to change anything. However, we still tried to do as much as we could and ended up presenting an additional second idea yesterday. The whole presentation actually went really well and they were really pleased with the results, only a few minor points would need to be changed. Now we have to wait until March 11 to find out who won. Since the 7 other groups have really good and strong ideas as well, I think our chances of making 1st or 2nd are extremely small, but who knows... However, in the unlikely even of winning some cash – "Oh crap!"

Unfortunately I signed a piece of paper stating that HUGO BOSS owns everything we handed in and I can't publish it anywhere (I basically sold my soul to them). That means I can't publish anything on the blog. Sorry.


Anonymous said...

whoa! big update little man! and shit, didn't think hugo was getting on your ass THAT much...

set·yourself·on·fire said...

I'm telling you, he fucking ass raped my ass, man!!!