Saturday, 4 October 2008

one of these days

Today is a day, where all I want to do is stay inside, not talk to too many people and just be as sad and happy as I am. I want to think about 'stuff', nothing specific, just think about things that come in my mind. Thinking about stuff that has been, is and might be. I want to listen to music, to depressing music, sad music. I want to be alone, not feel sad and lonely. I don't want to think about uni, work, home, holidays, my dissertation, or my mum. I don't want to be sociable, meet people to have to tell them lies of how fantastically well I am doing. I am not feeling depressed, I am alive, truly alive. I want to be at in my own place and breathe, move as little as possible and make my mind do the walking and talking. And why on earth do I have the fucking desire to tell the whole fucking world on my fucking blog? I don't want to think about that either.


Anonymous said...

maybe because you in fact DO have the suppressed urge to talk to the ones close to you? at least they're the ones checking your blog ;)

Anonymous said...

or maybe not...
thats why people sometimes just talk about all there problems with a cab driver ...

set·yourself·on·fire said...

mmmh, no, I have an urge to see them, but not necessarily to talk to them. emailing, chatting and skyping is so distant and indirect, prefer to see the people. but today... no until about an hour ago I really just wanted to be on my own.

Anonymous said...

we want pictures of Lotta!!

Anonymous said...

who the f*** is lotta?!

Anonymous said...

it's his new love, an old lady from the... 50s or 60s, maybe?? she's rusty but felix insists on that she is sexy...
did u know our friend felix was into older women?