Saturday 3 November 2007

Hectic Week

Last week uni was really hectic! In my main study we were given the brief to design our own portfolio website. Doesn't really sound that bad, but the thing is, that we have to make it come to life in flash, which I guess is not that bad either. However, if you have never worked with flash before, like myself, it does make it rather difficult I think – no, actually I know. Not only do I have to learn flash and program this damn site until next week Friday, I also had an additional compulsory course last week, Print Production. It was only a one week course, 3 days to be precise, but those were quite intense and time consuming. We basically learned how to make files ready for print and all the thing you have to consider: type of print (off-set litho, off-set digital, screen print, etc), choice of paper, budget, colour matching, client's budget... There are always so many variables for every projects, which makes it pretty complex to choose the right and best path for an optimum outcome. And then you still have to convince the client to spend a fortune and find a good printer, who doesn't rip you off! Our tutors showed us a heap of examples of what is possible with different kind of papers, folds, printing techniques, colour, embossing... Very "eye opening" and inspirational! The only problem is to find the money to do all that stuff – business as usual. But hey, we even get something for free, now that we haev completed Print Production: a set of 50 promotional postcards of ourselves! But it also means more work, it due in two weeks. Oh well...

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