Friday 16 November 2007


Well, apart from having tons of work to do, I don't really have an excuse to be silent for a while. The last two weeks I was rather busy... four projects, learn how to screen-print from scratch, and the week after next I have an essay due! On top of that Sandra came to visit last weekend, and even though it put me back a little in terms of uni-work, it was fabulous to have a break from work related things! We had a "jolly-good" time in Britain, and I can't wait to have an equally relaxing time in Berlin in a month's time! – No pressure here, Sandra – It was actually really good that someone came and visited me, cause this way I went and saw a few touristy things around London, which I wouldn't do by myself. Long walks and talks, a pretty extensive visit to Greenwich (being part of a "marvelous" and really funny presentation on why longitudes are so important) and cute houses in Notting Hill were not able to match the utterly impressive Saturday night! We had a stomping good time, watching the STOMP performance. I already knew most of the videos on youtube beforehand, but it is no match what-so-ever to seeing the actual performance about 7 meters away! Definitely the most inspiring and fascinating theatrical performance I have ever seen! – It's good to think about things like that, when I see the mountain of work ahead of me... not quite a Mount Everest yet, but definitely as high and difficult as the K2... Oh, btw I didn't take any pictures of Sandra's visit because a) I kept forgetting my camera and b) I really needed a break from things. I'm sorry. More picturesque articles coming soon...

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