Sunday 18 November 2007

Sixth Sense at Six

Yesterday my brother and I thought it was about time for another photography session. Max had the idea for quite some time and over the last few weeks we developed it together. The most difficult part was the set up, which took a few hours. Arranging the flashes for optimum results, making sure that they don't cast shadows on my face or other parts of the scene, controlling the day light from outside the window, positioning the camera to get an engaging and exciting composition, and last but not least – getting the timing right when to drop the piece of bread and taking the picture. – Yes, the piece of toast was actually dropped, it didn't "jump" up from the toaster. – We took at least 100 photos, of which 5 had the toast in the perfect place, and 1 out of those was pretty good to us. For anyone who is interested in the "how we took the picture" check out Max's flickr account. There are 2 pictures with tags and detailed descriptions on what equipment was used and the lot... I'll go and take care of the burns from the toast on my hand now!

1 comment:

emyoo said...

;) echt cool. und wann kommt das foto mit der kaffemaschine kurz bevor sie stirbt? ;)