Thursday 24 January 2008

Holy Crap! It's been long!

Well, there is no excuse really. The title says it all. Lots has happened in the meantime, and I could tell you all about it. I could tell you that I survived the first term of uni very well, but I won't. I could tell you that straight after uni I went to see an excellent play ('Shadowlands' for those pretending to be interested in theater and the arts, incredible performance by the way), but I won't. I could tell you that after that I went to visit Dani in Stockholm for a couple of days, in which we had a spectacular amount of coffee and fun, but I won't. I could tell you that after visiting Dani, I went to Berlin to see Sandra, but I won't. I could tell you that we looked at every pair of sneaker in Berlin, but I won't. I could tell you that this "I could tell you ... but I won't" business is really starting to annoy me! So I am going to stop! ... but I won't! Anyway, after a few lovely days in the German capital city, I went to Copenhagen to see Sebastian. What followed was two of the most intense days of partying I have had in a long time! Two hours after arriving in Copenhagen, I was at a party of Sebastian's flatmate Simon (really, really cool and relaxed guy!) and drunk! Geee, the Danish drink a ****-load! Due to the hangover the following day was pretty chilling intense, however, we still got our asses off the sofa at some point and went to this hardcore electro club. While Sebastian was sweating like a pig on the dance floor, I was having a long chat with Hendrik – friend of Sebastian's. It was deep shit we talked about, I tell you! The next two days we invented a few extreme sports. They aren't even that hard to learn, the only thing that is making the sport extreme is the duration and intensity. The sports were: extreme couching, extreme PlaystationII playing and extreme movie watching. Oh, and extreme Fast Food eating, not eating food extremely fast, there is a distinct difference... Anyhow, the last day, I actually got to see a bit of Copenhagen – small, easygoing, blonde and somewhat alternative! Ten days after I finished the first term in early December, I got to go home. After seeing so many places in such a short time, it felt nice to be able to sleep in my own bed again.

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