Sunday 27 January 2008

one crazy New Years Eve

What to do when it is quite difficult to visit all your friends over the holidays, due to lack of time and money? Rent out a chalet in the middle of Switzerland (in the "Berner Oberland" for the geography freaks) and make all of them come! In the end we were about 30 peeps and had a hell of a time! It's quite difficult to put in words, since it was so intense, exciting, crazy, difficult, hectic, messy, cold, hot... It truly was an experience and I feel pitty for those who weren't able to come. However, the mountains won't move too much over the next couple of years, so may be there will be a second time. We'll see... Anyway, the pictures below only show you a fraction of what we have been up to, however, you just can imagine the rest!

What's left to say? Even though it was quite busy every now and then, I had an amazing time! Thanks everyone for coming and making this New Year's Eve memorable!

1 comment:

Vivien said...

"Jump on it! Jump on it!"