Sunday 27 January 2008

Mad Mud

Max and I though it was time again! Time for another photo shoot and some serious stobist (flash) session! First I had to do some running to get that sweat on my face. Max made me run for an hour and when I returned he sent me away again. "Sweat bitch!" he shouted at me. "Effing Bastard!" I thought. But it gets worse. After 2 hours of furious running he wrestled me unexpectedly and put the right side of my face into a prepared container of mud. Now I was really angry, but before I could perform my bad ass martial arts killer moves, he had already sat me down and tied me to a chair. I couldn't move. Then he had all the time to spray water on me. Man I was mad! However, the picture turned out pretty good I think. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


der lange said...

värray noice!

Vivien said...

fucking scary rather. I couldn't honestly drink my coffee while facing it.

Lau said...

Shit man, once again i fell for the whole story!!! hahaha
blue gel? really smart!!!
hugs linkie
(yeah, i know... i'm procrastinating!)

emyoo said...

hossa nicht schlecht :) hätt von mir sein können