Wednesday 30 January 2008

"Maximum Meaning, Minimum Means"

Naomi Games came to talk about her father Abram Games, a really important and influential British graphic designer. May be you don't know him by name, but I am sure you have seen one of his posters somewhere, and if not so, then you recognize his style of poster design in many others. He certainly has left his mark on poster design in the last century! It was really interesting to hear about his success as a poster designer, working methods and get some real insight into his life. What especially was quite funny to hear, was that during the beginning of his career (but also after his death in 1996) he took poster proposals and other work to potential clients and always got the same answer (later his daughter): "It is great! But we can't use it, it's far too modern..." He really was ahead of his time, but a real genius: "Considering my talent, I am quite modest!" Another thing that was quite striking in my eyes, is his view the importance to get noticed by others, whether it is good work or bad work (or pleasant or unpleasant work) doesn't matter too much. A good contemporary example is the logo for the Olympic Games 2012 in London. I personally – among many others – think it is a shocking
logo with the dynamics of a swastika. But it successfully got people talking about it and therefore got noticed by a huge audience!
Finishing with a Abram Games quote he told his students from time to time: "Remember the three Cs: Courage, Concentration & Curiosity! ... and Cash and Checks, don't forget them either..."

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