Friday 14 March 2008

Candles? ... anyone?

Yesterday night we had a power cut. "Well..." you might think "that's not that special?!" You are right, it's not special at all. ...and yet it somehow is. It was so funny to see my street very dark and black. Usually it is very bright even throughout the night, because there are many shops, that keep their display lights on during the night. But not yesterday! My flat mates freaked out and weren't quite sure how to deal with having no light, there were a lot of people across the street looking out the window to see what the hell was going on and to make things even better, there was an accident right in front of my flat (nothing serious). Actually I wanted to make a few phone calls last night, but of course I couldn't use skype because the internet wasn't working – no power for the modem. So, no power, no light, no nothing. What to do? I got out candles, which were one of the first things I bought when I came to London – believe me or not but I got them in case of a power cut. Coming to think of it, it must be a post Swaziland trauma, since we often had power cuts there and we learned very quickly that you have to get candles so you can finish work for the next day! So, go and get candles!

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