Friday 14 March 2008

Giant Lindt Easter Bunny

Over the last couple of days a good friend of Lau (we were together in Swaziland) was staying in London. SInce the term was drawing to an end, there was enough time for us to catch up a few times.So whenever I was busy at uni, and Denise wasn't at a gallery, museum or exhibition, we got together had a chat, a walk and a coffee. On one of those walks earlier this week we came by this giant slide show. The slides were projected at a high building just by the river in central London, at night of course. We weren't quite sure what it was about, but seeing that easter is drawing closer and closer, it is probably not far fetched that the bunny in the picture is probably one of those Lindt Easter Bunnies (man that's good chocolate!). The pictures were accomanied by an incredibly bad story and Denise and I left after a few slides, so I can't even tell you what it is about. Nonetheless, I this it is still quite a cool promotion for something (even Easter Bunnies, hehehe). Yes, I know it is not the most creative thing you'll have ever seen, but the sheer size of the slides were pretty stunning! It was huge!

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