Friday 21 March 2008

HD to the MAX

Jochen, a friend of mine, was going to Mannheim yesterday. Since he had a spare seat, I thought it would be great to see Hannes in Heidelberg for the day and get another free lift back to Erlangen with Jina (my dad's gf). After a casual cruise through heavy snow, I got to Mannheim around noon, and after an even more casual handshake with the German national field-hockey coach
Markus Weise (Jochen is the manager and the team has a training camp over Easter in Manheim), I took the train to Heidelberg... yes, it was casual too. By the time I met Hannes, it was already 3pm, so we only had a few hours to catch up. Since he is in the process of moving flat, I was quickly made into a slave. Hell renovating is fun! The flat really is a mess, but once Hannes, Henning and Simon moved in, I am sure they'll make it nice and cosy! Nevertheless, Hannes and I still had time to do some catching up, before I went home with Jina at 7.


Anonymous said...

ahhh... die gute alte hall of fame...

Lau said...

hahaha!!! hadn't seen these pics!
please post some pics from the trip!
miss u linkie!