Saturday, 2 August 2008

Longboard to the max

During my stay back home, Sebastian and I finally managed to get together to build a longboard for him. We had this plan for about a year now, so it was time... While I only gave him some (professional) advice in the beginning stages of the building phase, he did most of the hard work himself. I very much like the look of the board now, and can't wait until it will be finished! Being involved in this project, I somehow got back in the mood of longboarding and reading up about it. On my stroll through the internet I cam across two videos. You may have seen them before, but they are still nice to have a look at every now and then.


Anonymous said...

coolcool, kannte ich beide noch nich. aber was sind das denn bitte für krasse boards in dem zweiten vid?!

Anonymous said...

linkie! i've been thinking about it... and I want one!!! can I order one from you??

Anonymous said...

i heard that someone talked about you on her blog!!!